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Posing Tips to help you look like a Pro Model!

Katryn Barwise

Want to look like a Covergirl?

Use the right poses and angles and you will learn how to get those

WOW photo's!!!

At Limpopo Beauty Modeling we teach girls to become the best in everything related to modelling, from walking, public speaking, make-up and most importantly posing!

FIRSTLY ensure that your make-up is perfect! Have a look at my bikini photo above....

The Photo of me on the left is not edited at all, yeeeesss I'm not lying, it's an original photo, and the one on the right is edited, You will see my little freckles on my bust is smoothed out on the right, but my face pretty much looks the same, as I did perfect make-up. This also makes your original pictures usable, most photographers charge extra for every photo they edit. So strive for great originals!

Focus on Small details to get that perfect look!!! The reason I didn't choose the photo on the left for editing is because my body is more straight, on the right I slightly pushed out my hip, creating that flattering model pose, and my fingers are better spaced. I also put my hand inside my hair instead of on top of it, which creates that moving illusion of me sweaping my hair, which gives it a more sexy look for swimwear. My neck is also longer on the left, always make sure you show your neck, be careful of dropping your chin too low for photographs, it can make you look very shy!

If the fan wasn't on my hair, it wouldn't have been such a striking photo, so always plan your look, and what it is you want to accomplish with each photo!

If you live too far from our branches to join and you want to learn more, look out for our 101 POSING GUIDE That we will sell online soon! This will contain actual model poses that you can practice to look amazing at your next photo shoot!

Looking like a model is the most important aspect of modelling! If your portfolio/ ZCARD is not professional and amazing you will never get any bookings! Great photo's cannot only help you build an amazing brand but it will help you to be taken more seriously as a model!

In today's society where every girl wants to be a model, it has become an extremely cut throat business, and

if your photo doesn't wow them, you don't stand a chance!

In everyday life good photos can also help you look professional whether you own a nail salon or whether you are a blogger! Follow our tips ons posing like a pro and you will see how your comments and like's will increase on social media. Act like the person you want to become! Life is too short for bad photo's, make every photo PICTURE PERFECT!

Here is 2 Photo's of Elvina Maila, Why is the one on the right more WOW? Her angle makes her look more professional, the smile makes her cheek bones stand out, and the pupils of her eyes are in the middle. By just changing the angling of her pose, making her look to the front, look at the massive difference! If only she did a proper manicure, this could be a Magazine Cover Photo!

Posing Tips & Tricks

Which brings me to my next Tip:

ALWAYS look your absolute best, from professional make-up, false lashes and perfect hair, to the correct jewellery, well manicured nails, Shaved legs and underarms, don't ruin a perfect picture by getting one of these things wrong! Strive for perfection from top to toe! It will also boost your confidence on the day, if you know you look the best that you can possibly look!


  • Practice your poses in a mirror, and then without a mirror, if you practice in a mirror too long you will struggle to pose well in front of the camera without being able to see yourself

  • Motivate yourself before the shoot, go in with lots of confidence

  • Make sure your skin looks good, drink lots of water!!!

  • Do a spray tan if you have fair skin, be sure you do it atlas 2 days before the shoot so that you can scrub orange areas before the shoot or fix any lines. I prefer Fake Bake it creates that healthy glow and does't appear orange.

  • Always pack your nail kit incase you break a nail right before the shoot

  • If you do a location shoot, pack flats to wear until you get to the desired shooting spot. Climbing rocks and hills in heels is not so easy!

  • If you shoot in the water, always have a towel close by to dry water on your face and hands or areas that will be edited and should't appear wet!

  • In studio have your comb close by when you put the fan on your hair or do a pose with all your hair to the one side, make sure that the photographer check that your hair looks good every time

  • Do ask the photographer to show you a shot or two, this will calm your nerves as you will see you actually don't look that bad, it will help your confidence, this can also help you change your angle or facial expression for upcoming shots

  • Part your lips for that sexy facial photo!

  • Touch up your lips during the shoot

  • For bikini shoots ask the photographer to tell you when you are accidentally pushing your tummy out, many models focus so much on the photographers instructions, they stop breathing and don't realise they are not posing with their tummy in!

  • Do take time to get settled and relaxed in the studio it will make your facial expressions so much more natural and confident


  • Don't make use of a bad photographer just because they are a little cheaper, sometimes you just have to go for the best to get your brand on the map, we only work with they drive from Centurion to do our shoots!

  • Don't wear black when you are shooting on a black backdrop you will just fade away, and the same with white! Unless you are wearing other coloured items.

  • Don't show up for a shoot unprepared, plan every outfit, accessories, make-up look etc, this way you will also feel more relaxed that it will all go well

  • Never rely on the photographer to help you pose, not all photographers know the correct poses, especially not when it comes to high fashion posing

  • Don't settle to do your own make-up and hair if you are not really good at it, I did a professional Make-up course and it helps me a lot to do my own make-up and for my models, the same with my hair, but if you haven't mastered doing it yourself, rather book a pro! You'll see the difference!

  • Don't wear pale coloured clothes if you have a pale skin colour, always focus on choosing colours that will make you stand out and help you look very classy! Pastel colours are my favourite, What better way to say "I'm Classy and Fabulous"

We will soon share our favourite make-up tips! How to choose the right shades, when to go for a natural look and when to go all out for that HIGH FASHION glamorous look! How to contour and highlight for the best photos!!! So be sure to return to our blog soon!!!

Subscribe to our website and we will send you more free tips and tricks of the trade!!!

Lots of Love


Katryn Barwise

Managing Director

(Limpopo Beauty Modeling Academy, Celebrating 7 Years of existence)

Miss Humanity International'14

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