Hi Gorgeous!!!!! How are you coping?
Yes we know this social distancing thing is soooo boring, so let's take you out of your misery with this fun DIY Fashion Challenge open to anyone...
Go through your things and find an item that you can change into something spectacular! Whether it's an old jean that you can bedazzle or paint stencils on, a shopper bag that you can bling or turning an old shirt into a sexy crop top!
Thank Goodness for Pinterest during this very uncertain times of dealing with Covid19 Panic and social distancing! Search some fun ideas and share your before and after with us!
Remember to practice good hygiene, stay safe and stay strong! Keep your mind busy and make the most of your time at home! Don't let fear overwhelm you, we will get through this together!
Tag us @limpopobeautymodeling and use #SABeautyDIYfashionchallenge we will be giving away a fabulous pink gift hamper to the most original DIY Fashion Creation!
Still bored? Join our Modelling Academy for fun activities and learning experiences... You are always in need of a new photo shoot! Check out our social accounts for updates on what we are up to this holiday!
Lots of love xoxo
Katryn Celliers
CEO & National Director